Leadership communication style is a constant evolution, but never has this been more true than in the context of the new COVID-world we find ourselves living in.

The arrival of this new world means leaders need to adapt not only to survive but to ensure they – and their team – thrive in today’s climate.

If you want to learn how to adapt your leadership communication style, watch this panel discussion where I, along with fellow panellists, Mike Conway – CEO and Founder of XVenture, and Marcella Davis – Founder and Director of Real People Equity and host Tim Mullen – Co-Founder of Heelix, discuss practical tips and pitfalls to avoid on your leadership journey.

Key takeaways

My top 4 takeaways for any leader looking to connect with and engage their teams in today’s world:

  1. Empathy is key: your team will remember how you make them feel during this period for the rest of their lives.
  2. Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability: it creates a chasm between you and your team, making it difficult for them to connect with you. Be real. Be human.
  3. Self-awareness remains a vital trait for successful leadership: understanding your strengths and weaknesses, what makes you tick, how you operate, how you handle change, disruption and uncertainty, and – importantly – how you come across to others, is a critical, foundational element of good leadership.
  4. Stay focused on your purpose: it serves as an anchor of stability for you, your team and your organisation, especially during this turbulent time.

Want to learn more? Be sure to watch the full video here…and don’t forget to share your key takeaway below.

Want more leadership communication tips?

Download my FREE eBook: Number 1 Leadership Communication Tips! It’s jam-packed with top tips from communication professionals around the globe, including world-renowned author, speaker, executive coach and regular Harvard Business Review contributor, Dorie Clark.

Want a sneak peek of what to expect in the eBook?

Here’s Dorie’s tip:

“Leaders need to overcommunicate their vision and message. It’s never safe to assume that if you’ve said something once, or twice, or five times, that employees and stakeholders have internalised your message. You need to continually tie your overall vision into day-to-day activities, to remind people of why they’re here and what purpose they’re serving. Repetition – even far beyond what you think is necessary – is key to having your workforce truly get on the same page.”

Download the Number 1 Leadership Communication Tips for more pearls of wisdom from those who know best!